
    This software is shareware. It means that it is free to try, but you need to register it to use. You get registration key or registered file for software via e-mail after registration. Registered users get free updates and support for our software.

    If You are a registered user and You lost a registration key, please write us and we will send You a copy of registration key.

    PHP Expert Editor

    Current Version: 4.3
    Cost: โ‚ฌ35 (aprox $55)

    Note: The registered users get all next versions without additional payment.

    Expert DebuggerCurrent Version: 3.2
    Cost: Free

    Note: This software not have any limitations. And this payment is voluntary and not obligatory. You can use this software without registration. But Your registration will help development of this software.

    zxChartCurrent Version: 2.2
    Cost: โ‚ฌ15 (aprox $20)

    Note: The registered users get all next versions without additional payment.

    zxChart (Source code)Current Version: 2.1
    Cost: โ‚ฌ299 (aprox $388)

    Note: The registered users get the source code of current version and the compiled version of zxChart. The registered users get all next versions (only compiled) without additional payment.

    Web Chart Creator

    Current Version: 3.0
    Cost: โ‚ฌ45 (aprox $58)

    Note: The registered users get all next versions without additional payment.


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